Our First Summer Trips
Back at school the
days passed, turning into weeks. The
weeks turned into months, and still we were not able to make another trip
to look for land. March rolled around,
my dad was again working long hours, and the opportunity for us to go back into
the wilderness slipped away.

It was arranged that my brother would go this time with our
friend on a Sunday and they would search for land
Loading up before dawn and heading
out, they decided on an amount of time
to travel before stopping and staking land.
Approaching the time deadline, they found themselves on a
hill overlooking a valley with streams, low ridges and beaver ponds. Beyond
that, the valley dipped further down into Clear Creek, with the foothills of
the Talkeetna Mountains rising up in the background.

Deciding this was the valley, they headed down to stake the land. This would become the place of so many memories. The one place on this planet that I have really felt was home.
Spring turned to summer. We had acquired the land. The
dream had really come true! My dad had made a short weekend trip out to
see the land and find a suitable place to build a cabin. I could barely contain my eagerness to
see the land.
My father, being a contractor had to work hard during the busy summer season and had little time off for trips to the wilderness. As the summer dragged by, I had to busy myself with summer jobs, summer camp, hikes into the mountains and along the rivers near our home in Palmer.
Towards the later part of the summer my excitement mounted as my dad was able to get
some time off. Enthusiastically we planned a trip out to the land.
This time I would be on my own machine! My dad would be on the four wheeler hauling a
trailer with our supplies and equipment we would need for the trip. I would be riding the three wheeler.
On our way again!
the railroad bridge, I looked down, once again into that swirling cold river
below. Even in the summer the icy water
could send a chill through me just watching it swirl by.
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